In Saturday's practice, Odom played small forward , power forward and ball - handling guard.
周六的训练上, 他打了大小前锋和控球后卫三个位置.
互联网Luther's ball handling is still OK to me.
互联网Design recipes the equivalent of ball handling techniques, writing techniques , techniques of arrangements, and drawing skills.
设计处方好比控球技法 、 写作技法 、 乐曲编排技法和绘图技巧.
互联网Weaknesses: Not a good shooter from three, only so - so ball - handling and passing skills.
缺点: 不是个很好的三分射手, 仅仅一般的控球和传球的技术.
互联网Possesses a nice turnaround jumper and decent ball handling skills for a player his size.
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